Thursday 19 May 2016

Starting the Chain Reaction Challenge

The next fun weaving challenge is for PWN. A team of 24 people are taking part in a colour chain reaction. Each person weaves a square panel, using for warp the yarn sent to them from the previous person. They choose their own weft and send some of the same yarn on to the next on the list to use for their warp. Allowing 2 weeks for each person to do their decision-making, acquiring and sending on the yarn, it could take months before the last person is able to get started -- so it's not going to happen in a hurry -- but eventually the plan is to mount all the panels and display them in order of the progression. It could be a very interesting exhibition.
I am number seven on the list and I already have some beautiful aqua colour alpaca and silk yarn from Sue to use for a warp. For a weft I have chosen a maroon (summer wine) mercerised cotton from our group's stash. I sent on the required amount of it to Wil and fortunately he is very happy with it. I wonder what colour he will use to weave it with.
I have been playing around a bit lately with advancing twills and chose one to use for my panel. It's not a particularly complex draft but still has 56 ends per repeat in both warp and weft  because it is 'trompt as writ' so it needs concentration! I wasn't brave enough to start directly on to my panel so chose some fine yarns in lighter shades and wove a scarf as a trial. Here is a photo of the finished scarf with the yarns I will use for the panel.


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