I haven't made anything like this for years . . . but it worked out to be just the right size and shape to use up the last of the turquoise mohair. Also a serendipitous find of the belt clinched the decision. Will just have to watch that anyone wearing this doesn't sit on the turquoise throw !
I'll post another photo when I find someone nice and slim and elegant to model it. This was one of two pieces cut off the looms during Labour Weekend. The other is a work in progress so I won't post a photo yet. I thought I had enough length for three panels to join as a tablecloth but my calculations were not brilliant and I decided the proportions were wrong . . . so it will be two panels only (but longer) and I have sent for more yarn to warp up again for the third. Sounds easy, but I managed to ask for the wrong yarn! (Agnes is probably still rolling around the floor laughing.) The silver lining is that I now have a good supply of cottolin for teatowels to make when the tablecloth is done. In the meantime I have put a warp on the jack loom for white napkins to go with the blue cloth . . . so plenty to be going on with. Can't have two empty looms sitting around!
"Serendipitous" is a very big word, but what a perfect match Mum! Well done you! If only Tas was here to model it for you :) xoxo