Wednesday 27 March 2013

The Cavalcade

A few more pics from my travels before it all becomes ancient history.  On Saturday 2 March the annual Otago Goldfields Cavalcade converged on Tapanui from eight different trails. They end up at a different Otago location each year.  Some came with heavy waggons, some light waggons, some riding and some walking.  We saw the Grand Parade and here are a few of my favourite photos.

Other entertainment included -- believe it or not -- dancing tractors. Four large (men) and 4 small (ladies), painted red and polished for the occasion performed a square dance to the instructions of a caller -- all correct down to the last do-si-do.  The photos don't do it justice of course; you would need a movie for that (forgot I could take a movie on my camera.) How they did it without locking wheels in the tight circles I don't know.
The ladies take a bow. It really was impressive.  The drivers' costumes could do with a bit of improvement but the execution was superb.  TV1 was filming so I hope it turns up sometime on the screen.

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