Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Time for a Catch Up

The kid mohair scarves I was starting on the last post came out well, one in plain weave and one in a fancy twill variation .

I kept to the same pattern for a couple of scarves on a much finer red warp of alpaca and silk. The first of these used weft the same as the warp to produce a crepe weave. For the second I used a thicker dark navy alpaca yarn.

I haven't spent much time at the loom during the last few weeks but did turn my lounge into a warping studio for some time.

Several warps are now tucked away, suitably labelled, ready for action as time and energy allow.  The last photos show a linen warp for tea towels which is now on the loom and awaiting threading. It will be quite a job as it is in two strands of singles but I am really looking forward to weaving with linen again.