Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Back to weaving

In March the local Rural Women's group (formerly WDFF) organised a large wool promotion event. Of course Creative Fibre groups were encouraged to attend, display and, if it was cool enough, wear some of their work. The proviso was that items included should be at least 80% wool. When I looked at the weaving I had been doing over the past few years I was surprised to find that there was not a lot of wool involved . . . so I warped up for a fabric in two different weights of wool. I had tried the technique before and was keen to do it again. Slower to weave these days, I didn't get to make it up or wear it but at least I had a wool fabric to display . . . along with quite a few other lengths, woven and stashed away, waiting for a tailor or seamstress or a fairy godmother to deal with them. At least some of them had an outing.
Because of the difference in the two yarns I used the two warp beams on my loom

The same two yarns were used in the weft 
I was no surprised that the take-up was different with the two warps but didn't expect it to be quite as much as this. I don't like to think how the fabric would have turned out if the two warps had been beamed together.

The finished fabric has an interesting. "random" thick and thin texture . . . and it is 100% wool.