Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Not a Dying Art

In case anyone thinks tatting is a dying art (and for many people it is the only comment they can think of when they see me tatting) I belong to an international facebook tatting group. This morning a new member asked if some people would post where they come from. Within a couple of hours there were replies from 17 states in the USA and 16 other countries, and I expect there are more to come.

Here are the stars I have been making in spare evenings lately. My weaving and lacemaking friends, as well as visitors, all seem happy to receive one to add to their Christmas tree. 

 And this is my "tree'" with motifs made earlier in the year with one of each colour I could find.
 Now what to make next?  Sadly there are not many practical uses for tatting that I can find. I doubt if I will be making "barefoot sandals" though you never know.

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Catch up time

Yarns for end of year project - tea towels for gifts and group exchange. 

The warp (top 3 reels) is a mix of linen and cotton and the weft two strands of 16/1 linen together, a different mix for each towel.

For the last weavers' mdeeting of the year I took along a "tree", complete with bird's nest. I had made tatted stars (or snowflakes?}  and invited members to each take one home.

These are the two variations I made, along with some without embellishments which proved popular.
Festive best wishes to one and all, and happy creating.