Our friend Agnes had organised it as well as masterminding an exhibition that she and UK weaver Stacey Harvey-Brown have been working on for some time and now have ready to take to Europe. Stacey was our key speaker and she was to take a workshop after the seminar before travelling through NZ taking workshops and ending up at the CF festival in Dunedin. The highlight of our seminar was attending the opening of Agnes and Stacey's exhibition based on land forms, 'Nature in the Making' at The Earth House' at Peria, a great privilege for us as there is only one other showing of it in NZ, at Oxford North Canterbury 12 April - 7 May. Here are just a few of my favourite photos from the opening, starting with Agnes's stalactites hanging from a tree in the courtyard.
And these indoors are Stacey's. She's a collapse weave expert and thinks on a grand scale!
And here are the two of them who produced it all while half a world away from each other.
And just a few pics of the quirky venue.