It's time I showed a few photos of weaving again. These are the projects I have been enjoying lately.
This is now off the loom but will be a work in progress for some time as I have to cut three panels to join together for a tablecloth. I've started a narrow tatted lace insertion which I intend to use between the panels. That will take a little while as well. As always, this sort of work takes hours of wishing/planning/warping - then getting more yarn as the project grows! Then there's threading sleying and re-sleying to fix errors. When it all comes together on the loom the weaving is so quick and easy it seems to be all over in a flash. Watch this space for the finished cloth . . . but not too soon.
Another quick and easy project was a table runner, the colours inspired by the aqua colours in a glass fruit bowl. Surprise, surprise, I just happened to have some yarns the right colour. I used huck spots within squares outlined with a textured yarn. I tried to add in some blue as a supplementary warp but gave up after about four attempts as they all appeared to turn purple in the weave. Here is the warp
The small mat has the blue but it was replaced with the ground colour for the runner.
Here is a photo of the fruit bowl superimposed on the small mat. In due course I will get a proper photo when the recipient gets over her surprise. This is an interim runner while waiting for yarns for a 'proper' one for a brand new table.