Two weeks spent with family and no loom gave me the opportunity to do most of the finishing work on the napkins.
It wasn't until I began ironing that I discovered a threading error! Of course that means there is a flaw right through the lot. I didn't see it in the weaving as the small texture pattern doesn't really show up until it is washed. Oh well, I now have a basket of 'slightly imperfect' napkins on 'special' in the co-op shop - and I still have my original cotton for (if there is a) next time.
As well as hemming I enjoyed reviving my tatting skills. I found a shop with a supply of fine threads which of course meant adding some tiny little additions to my stash, so I will have to keep it up.
And then there was The Apron . . . no, it's not weaving but at least it's creative. (It started life as a tablecloth.) Happy mixed media workshop Esther!